Avian Flu 2020-11

Poultry and other captive birds An Avian Influenza Prevention Zone [1] (PDF, 39.1KB, 6 pages) (AIPZ) has been declared across the whole of England effective from 5pm on 11 November 2020. All poultry keepers in England (whether they have commercial flocks or just a few...

General Election 2019

Notice of Election Notice of Election Agents’ Names and Offices Statement of Persons Nominated, Notice of Poll and Situation of Polling Stations

Frogmore Regatta 2018

This year’s Frogmore Regatta will be held at the beautiful Pool Meadow on August 19th starting at 11.30am. Many of the usual attractions including Banned from the Moor, Plymouth Morris Men, South Hams Brewery, Rose Farm Hog Roast. Charity and Craft Stalls, Tea...