Community Fund

The community fund is a pool of money the Parish Council has allocated to help kickstart or contribute towards any project that would be of benefit to the parish, that would normally fall outside of our responsibilities.

The fund uses our general spending power and is financed by our annual precept via council tax.
We intend to distribute a total of £1500 per annum to worthy projects.

These projects would ideally be entirely operated and owned by community members, and not represent an administrative, legal, or organisational drain on the council.
The council, or councillors may choose to offer some assistance in these aspects if appropriate.

A project’s suitability and viability will be assessed by the community fund sub-committee:

Nigel Smith
Edward Fevyer
Ben Johnson

The final determination of which projects to support and at what level is decided at a full Parish Council meeting.

If you’d like to make an application to the fund, please fill in the form below.
If you require any further information please feel free to get in touch:

Any information concerning Community Fund applications and projects will be held in accordance with GDPR. Our privacy policy:


Is the project to be operated or owned by a business?

Is your application to fund a one-off payment or purchase?

Do you intend for your project to run for a fixed duration of under a year?

As a public authority, the Parish Council must be able to account for all of its expenses.

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