South Devon, and particularly this Parish, are now the subject of a Red Alert (the highest category) for extreme Snow and Wind conditions for this afternoon and into tomorrow – at the very least.
The Warning strongly advises that only the most essential journeys should be attempted and that people should stay indoors. PLEASE HEED THAT ADVICE.
Please note the following –
• The Lane through Sherford, particularly north of the Village Hall, is probably impassable because of the under-lying ice. Other gradients are similarly affected, as are other lanes off the A379
• Listen to TV/Radio broadcasts for further information.
• Apart from the snow, the other element of the Red Alert is for High Winds from tomorrow onwards. Please take appropriate action to secure your property
• Please continue to check on your neighbours to ensure they are safe
• As always, please contact a Parish Councillor, or myself, if you have any queries or in an emergency.
Bill Grahamslaw – Snow Warden tele: 531489 Email: