Please join us for our Annual Parish Meeting which will be held at Frogmore Village Hall on Monday 16th April 2018 at 7.00 pm.

All parishioners are invited to hear reports from:

  • Chairman of Frogmore and Sherford Parish Council – Nigel Smith
  • South Hams District Councillor – Richard Foss
  • Devon County Councillor – Julian Brazil
  • Devon and Cornwall Police – Sgt Dave Green
  • Frogmore Village Community Association
  • Sherford Village Hall Association – David Raeburn

The reports will be followed by an open forum where members of the public are invited to speak and ask questions.
Refreshments will be served and there will be an opportunity to meet informally with Councillors.

Preparations are now in full swing for this year’s Frogmore Regatta.
It will be held at the beautiful Pool Meadow on August 19th starting at 11.30am.
We would welcome any offers of help to man stalls on the day and help with the set up and the take down a couple of days before and after the event.

If you can help in any way or have any thoughts about the event please contact Paul Harding 01548 531780 or

Nigel Smith
Chair, Frogmore and Sherford Parish Council
01548 531618