Council Meeting

Please join us for our next meeting which will be held at Sherford Village Hall on Monday 17th October at 7:00 pm.

The Open Forum is your opportunity to raise concerns or questions or to seek clarification of issues you believe the Council should address. Your views are always welcome.

Agenda 2022-10-17

Our previous meeting on the 26th September has draft minutes available.

Draft Minutes 2022-09-26

Road Closure A379

Additional information has been provided by DCC concerning the November 7th road closure at the top of the hill in Frogmore:

  • The school bus will be allowed through the closed section, but this requires marshalling that would be impractical to extend to other traffic.
  • Keeping the road open with sufficient traffic controls and width restrictions would delay the works beyond acceptable timescales.
  • It is hoped that the works will be completed before 25th November, depending on the state of the subsurface.
  • Additional signage with specific details about the closure location will be placed along the A379, which should help local drivers plan more diverse alternate routes rather than everyone piling into the same few side-lanes.
  • Updates on the works will be provided via and on Twitter @DevonAlerts

Ben Johnson
Frogmore and Sherford Parish Council
01548 532952