Council Meetings

In line with current guidelines, our meetings are currently being conducted online.
The next virtual meeting will be held on Monday 18th May at 7:00 pm and will not be open to the public.
If there are any issues you would normally raise during the open forum, please do get in touch with any of the councillors or our clerk.

Agenda 2020-05-18

Our previous meeting was also conducted online.

Draft Minutes 2020-04-20

Planning Update

1115/20/FUL Old Stone Barn at SX 778 426 Frogmore.
Application Type: Full Planning Application Associated operational development to allow for conversion of stone barn to flexible use (cafe) as consented under prior approval 0189/19/PAU, including change of use of land to provide extended curtilage and associated access, parking, turning and landscaping (resubmission of 0869/19/FUL).

Following The Planning Inspectorate’s Appeal Decision Refusal on 7th February this year, a full revised application is now made. Visit: South Hams Planning Portal for details. Target determination date for the application is 9th June, we’d recommend anyone wishing to comment on the application should do so by the end of May at the latest.

The revised application features a new shared vehicular access to the building/site from the A379; a new pedestrian access connecting Mill Lane to the south and car parking to the east of the barn (9 cars & 1 disability space).
The Café proposals feature a new lean-to extension to provide a new entrance hall access for all from the courtyard; a new first floor deck at a higher level with roof to be built also at a slightly higher ridge level and new contemporary glazing to first floor.

Neighbourhood Plan

The regulation 14 public consultation phase has now concluded. The steering group would like to thank everyone who took the time to provide feedback on the draft plan document.
Your comments will be used to improve the next iteration of the Neighbourhood Plan before it is submitted for expert scrutiny, and the final public referendum.
A report on how the regulation 14 feedback is being incorporated will be published later in the year.

Nigel Smith
Chair, Frogmore and Sherford Parish Council
01548 531618