Council Meeting

Please join us for our next meeting which will be held at Sherford Village Hall on Monday 16th May at 7:00 pm, when we will also be holding the Annual Parish Meeting (APM).

The Open Forum is your opportunity to raise concerns or questions or to seek clarification of issues you believe the Council should address. Your views are always welcome.

Edit: Agenda 2022-05-16

Our previous meeting on the 25th April has draft minutes available.

Draft Minutes 2022-04-25

Neighbourhood Plan Referendum

As long as you are on the electoral register at the time of a vote, you will receive a Poll Card before the election giving you information on where and when you can vote.
Frogmore’s polling station is at Frogmore village hall.
For Sherford, it’s Sherford village hall.

Voting takes place on Tuesday 17th May between 7:00 am and 10:00 pm.

When you arrive, polling station staff will ask for your name and address so they can check you are on the electoral register.
Showing them your polling card can help with this, but you don’t need to take it with you.

The staff will give you a ballot paper The question has a YES or NO choice. If you have a visual impairment, you can ask for assistance.

Nigel Smith
Chair, Frogmore and Sherford Parish Council
01548 531618