Parishioners attention is drawn to the revision in planning application ref: 0429/18/FUL (land between A379 and Mill Lane, Frogmore) as follows:
RE-ADVERTISEMENT (Revised drawing showing reduced height of building by 0.5m). Erection of agricultural storage/transfer building with associated access road and landscape.
The new proposed building height is 7.45m according to the drawing filed 18/06/2018. Comments are due by 13 July 2018.
There are about 30 letters of objection to the exiting application and, it appears, none in support. Parishioners may wish to comment on the re-advertised change.
There will be a Parish Council meeting at Frogmore Village Hall on Wednesday 11th July 2018 at 7pm, to discuss our response to the re-advertised application.
The agenda can be viewed Here.
Nigel Smith
Chair, Frogmore and Sherford Parish Council
01548 531618