Road Closure
Between 15th and 29th March there will be no vehicle access through a section of Orchard View in Frogmore, north of the Mill Lane Junction.
This should cause minimal disruption due to the location and short detour along the A379.
The works are being carried out to repair and reinforce sewerage ducting which recently sustained damage due to a blockage from accumulated antibacterial wet-wipes.
In order for us to avoid further damage, costly repairs, road closures, and the associated disruption; We would take this opportunity to endorse South West Water’s advice regarding misleading advertisements:
Flushable on the packaging refers to being able to pass though the toilet bowl. Even though they disappear from your toilet bowl, because they don’t break down fast enough they build up in pipes and cause blockages. They should be disposed of via the bin and not the loo.
Planning update
Due to requests from many in the community to be kept informed about the status of planning application 1115/20/FUL (Operational development to allow for conversion of stone barn to flexible use (café)) we can report that the applicant’s appeal is dismissed, and permission remains refused.
Planning Inspectorate Appeal Decision Document
Nigel Smith
Chair, Frogmore and Sherford Parish Council
01548 531618