The parish council has received details of planning applications Ref: 0013/18/AGR and 0014/18/AGR. The applications had not been notified to the parish clerk or councillors at the time of the last, 15th January meeting.

The applications concern the building of an access road and the erection of an agricultural storage building on the field to the west of the FVCA amenity ground, between the A379 and Mill Lane, Frogmore.

0013/18/AGR:  Erection of agricultural storage/transfer building. 
0014/18/AGR:  A new road.

South Hams District Council is advertising 2nd February 2018 as the target planning application determination date. The next scheduled parish council meeting is Monday 19th February, and thus the parish clerk is requesting an extension to the timetable.

The application site is within the South Hams Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).

Details are also available online:

Nigel Smith
Chair, Frogmore and Sherford Parish Council