The Met Office have made a few changes to warnings, to reflect the developing forcast: The first Yellow warning covers all of SW England including the Isles of Scilly, and is valid from 0900 to 2359 on Thursday. The second Yellow Warning, again covers all of SW England including the Isles of Scilly and is valid from 0001 on Friday until 1200 on Saturday.
The warnings highlight a Low Likelihood of Medium Impacts. Winds will be gale force at times, which will result in some blowing snow along with more ‘usual’ wind impacts such as disruption to power networks and difficult driving conditions for high sided vehicles. Some large waves in the south could lead to localised wave-overtopping on east facing coastlines.
To the rear of the band of snow, there is potential for some isolated outbreaks of freezing rain to develop – this risk is now covered by a new Amber warning to highlight the Low Likelihood of High Impacts associated with this risk. Freezing rain is very rare, and won’t occur too widely, but where it does happen it can lead to rapid formation of sheet ice, with ice forming even on treated surfaces. The Amber warning covers most of the southwest. It is valid from 1400 on Thursday until 0800 on Friday.
If you have problems with ice or snow, please contact a Parish Councillor, or our Snow Warden, Bill Grahamslaw: 531489
Ben Johnson
Frogmore and Sherford Parish Council