

Councillor Vacancies

FROGMORE AND SHERFORD PARISH COUNCIL Local Government Act 1972 Section 87(2) CASUAL VACANCIES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 2 vacancies exists in the office of Parish Councillor for Frogmore and Sherford Parish Council. Unless ten or more electors of the Frogmore and...

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Neighbourhood Plan Public Consultation

Neighbourhood Plan Public Consultation

Our Neighbourhood Plan is now issued for Regulation 14 consultations. Feedback on the current draft plan is now welcomed from everyone who lives, works or runs a business in the Parish, as well as the County Council, the Parish Council, the Environment Agency, Natural...

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Questionnaires Dispatched -: Updated :-

  Your Questionnaire has been delivered Please fill it in at your convenience. UPDATE: An additional session has been added for Sherford. If you have any questions, concerns, or queries regarding your form, steering group members will be holding drop in events to...

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Drop-In News

Drop-In News

  News Bulletin COMMUNITY CONSULTATIONS Thank you to all who have ‘had your say’ during the Neighbourhood Plan consultation drop-in sessions at Sherford and Frogmore village halls. We’ve had some very interesting and positive input. The final session...

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Neighbourhood Plan Roadmap

Neighbourhood Plan Roadmap

For anyone interested in learning more about the Neighbourhood plan process, the guide written by Dave Chetwyn for Locality is well worth a look. Locality is a national network of community-lead organisations working to improve their local neighbourhoods and...

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Upcoming Community Engagement Drop-in Sessions

Upcoming Community Engagement Drop-in Sessions

The Sessions: These events are an opportunity for residents to find out more about what a neighbourhood plan is, how it will affect them, and what happens next. The sessions also allow community members to give the steering group feedback on what sort of issues are...

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