The Parish Council is notified through SHDC and Devon Home Choice of forthcoming vacancies for social and affordable housing in our Parish.
All applicants need to first register with Devon Home Choice and are then able to bid for the property concerned.
Properties are normally only advertised for one week so it is preferable for those wishing to bid to register beforehand if possible.
Allocations are normally made in order of priority depending on the Banding/Priority given to an applicant by the Allocations Team.
However, there are various exceptions e.g. in the cases of Creek Close and Winslade Close where priority is given to those with local connections – already living and/or working in the area or with family connections.
If you are registered with Devon Home Choice and/or seeking local accommodation, please also register your interest with the Parish Council’s Housing Adviser, Jeni Jebb, either by telephone 01548 531485 or email at
She will be happy to offer help and advice and can notify those seeking accommodation when it becomes available.